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Fonte Santa

Retrato al óleo sobre lienzo de D. Ermilinda Henriqueta da Silva (1809-1875) pintado por Augusto Roquemont (Colección del Dr. Luís Velloso Ferreira)

Fonte Santa

Retrato al óleo sobre lienzo del Consejero Vellozo da Cruz (1804-1887) pintado por Augusto Roquemont (Colección del Dr. Luís Velloso Ferreira)

Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz was born in the parish of Santa Marinha, Vila Nova de Gaia, on April 15, 1804.
Very young, just 18 years old, he enrolled in Law in 1822 at the University of Coimbra, with a notable academic career, completing his graduation with the classification of discrepant nemine, having been awarded a bachelor's degree on right.

Due to his liberal ideas, probably already drunk with his father, he enlisted in the Battalion of Academic Volunteers, until its dissolution, in May 1834.

The failed liberal revolution in Porto forced him to emigrate to Plymouth, England, with his brothers Manuel, José and Francisco, although they also lived in Dublin and Falmouth.
Everything suggests that Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz, unlike his brothers, remained in England, from where he left for the island of Terceira, accompanying the troops loyal to D. Pedro IV. And that's why we see him later being part of the 7500 brave men of Mindelo.

Passos Manuel, naturally appealing to the relationships of friendship and trust solidified in the difficult moments of emigration, called Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz to be the first General Administrator of the District of Porto, a position he held in two moments, from 11 September 1836 to 11 May 1837 and between August 25, 1837 and December 1, 1838.

In his capacity as President of the General Board of the District of Porto, he signed the Board's consultations addressed to Queen D. Maria Il, regarding the years 1853, 1854, 1855, 1857 and 1859.
Given his qualities, he was quickly catapulted from the local to the national political level. Elected Deputy for the 1834-1836 legislature for the Douro provinces, he was again elected for the electoral districts of Braga and Viana (1837-1838), that of Feira (1861-1864) and the single-member constituency of Vila Nova de Gaia (1861- 1864), In the Chamber of Deputies, he belonged to the Commerce and Arts, Public Administration, Finance and Navy Committees in 1838.

He was Secretary of the Chamber of Deputies in 1837.

He was appointed Judge of the 2nd Court of the Chamber of Porto, on August 20, 1839.
The Vila-Novenses, who knew in depth the merit of Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz, immediately elected him President of their City Council (1852-1853). He performed this role in such a way that he was successively elected to the following Councils: 1854 and 1855 (President), 1858 and 1859 (President) and 1860-1861 (President).
He was also Substitute Administrator of the Municipality of Gaia and Justice of the Peace of the parish of Santa Marinha de Vila Nova de Gaia. He died on February 10, 1887. In consideration of the public services provided by Doctor Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz to the community, namely Vila Nova de Gaia, the respective Chamber, in public recognition, gave one of its main arteries the name Conselheiro Vellozo da Cruz.



Much of what will be said about Francisco Vellozo da Cruz, particularly his ancestry, youth and period of emigration, applies, mutatis mutandis, to his brother Joaquim, who also emigrated to England and France, as a result of the liberal struggles
Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz was born in the parish of Santa Marinha, Vila Nova de Gaia, on April 15, 1804 and died in Porto, on February 10, 1877. He married in that parish on the 4th of November 1838 with D. Ermelinda Henriqueta da Silva, who was born in the parish of São Nicolau, Porto, on the 9th of June 1809 and died in Porto on the 5th of August 1875, daughter of António José da Silva and his wife D. Teresa Theolinda da Silva.

He had a Bachelor's degree in Law from the University of Coimbra, one of the 7500 brave men of Mindelo, Lawyer, Judge of the 2nd Court of the District of Porto, Counselor, Captain of the 2nd Provisional Battalion of the City of Porto, 1st Judge of Peace of the parish of Santa Marinha, Vila Nova de Gaia, 1st General Administrator of the City of Porto, the city where he held municipal positions, namely Councilor, President of the Municipal Chamber of Vila Nova de Gaia, Deputy, President of the General Board of District of Porto, of His Majesty's Council, Commander of the Military Order of Christ. Based on these indications, let us try to bring to life, with some color, the personality of Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz, always based on the existing documentation within our reach.

Very young, just 18 years old, he enrolled in Law in 1822 at the University of Coimbra, with a notable academic career, completing his graduation with the classification of discrepant nemine, having been awarded a bachelor's degree on right.

Living in the same house as his brother Francisco, in the university environment he lives with the brothers Silva Passos (José and Manuel), Luz Soriano, Almeida Garrett and many others who will be leading figures of the soon-to-be-born Liberal Regime.
Due to his liberal ideas, probably already drunk with his father, he enlisted in the Battalion of Academic Volunteers, until its dissolution, in May 1834.
The failed Liberal Revolution in Porto forced him to emigrate to Plymouth, England, with his brothers Manuel, José and Francisco, although they also lived in Dublin and Falmouth.
At one time the four brothers and other political émigrés lived at No. 7 Cottage Row, Stonhouse, in a kind of republic.
Everything suggests that Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz, unlike his brothers, remained in England, from where he left for the island of Terceira, accompanying the troops loyal to D. Pedro IV. And that's why we see him later being part of the 7500 brave men of Mindelo.

Manuel Rodrigues dos Santos in his Descripção Topographica de Villa Nova de Gaya..., on pages 211 to 214, refers to our biographee as follows:

The Honorable Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz deserves the same distinction, both for all the circumstances of his treatment and for the important and very honorable positions and public service commissions he has held. After this distinguished Villa-Novense graduated in law at the University of Coimbra, he immediately made his profession of faith in Politics, accepting the commitments of a pure Progressive; for which reason he had to emigrate together with his Brothers, after the constitutional movement of May 16, 1828, failed.

And further on:

Just returning from emigration, that Gentleman enlisted in the 2nd Provisional Battalion of the City of Porto, and served there as Captain during the siege. He then made his debut in public life, accepting the election of 1st Judge of Peace of the parish of Santa Marinha of this Villa by the unanimous vote of his fellow citizens, a position he held for a few months, as he soon began exercising the functions of Councilor of the Municipal Council of the said City before the independence of this Council. He was then elected Deputy to the first Courts, which were convened after the pacification of the Kingdom, continuing to deserve from the Peoples the honor of his powers of attorney in other legislatures.

The September Revolution of 1836 brought to power the most progressive liberal faction, with very well-defined ideas about the administrative system that the country lacked. After the Government fell on September 9, he assumed the presidency of the Sá da Bandeira Ministry, where he began to pontificate on Passos Manuel, with the Ministry of the Kingdom.

With the Decree of 11 September by Manuel da Silva Passos and the publication of the first Administrative Code on 31 December 1836, the administrative system of the Kingdom was profoundly changed, although at the level of district administration there was only a vague change in nomenclature. and interpreters of Government policy.
As part of the changes introduced, the position of General Administrator was created, whose duties were partly exercised by the previous Mayors and Civil Governors.

Passos Manuel, naturally appealing to the relationships of friendship and trust solidified in the difficult moments of emigration, called Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz to be the first General Administrator of the District of Porto, a position he held in two moments, from 11 September 1836 to 11 May 1837 and between August 25, 1837 and December 1, 1838.

In carrying out his duties as General Administrator, he took some significant measures, namely, giving orders for the presence of a municipal guard force at all shows, opening a tender for the works on the bar and the port of Figueira da Foz, for the work of navigability of the Cávado river from Esposende to Barcelos, construction of a convenient road from Avintes to Vila Nova de Gaia, a wooden bridge over the Labruge stream in Maia, replacing another that was ruined, reconstruction of the road from Porto to Póvoa , by Vila do Conde, improvement in the Vila do Conde bar, repair work by carpenter, plasterer and painter of the Polytechnic Academy building, demolition of the extinct Convent of Santo Elói, its shed, the tank and part of the church outside the alignment and issued rules for the public auction of the income from each of the national properties located in the Municipalities, for a period of one year, starting on St. Michael's Day.

It issued, by notice, rules for the resources of administrative bodies and for the preparation of inventories.
He also gave instructions, in the same way, on the behavior required of public employees.
Regarding the period in which Councilor Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz exercised civil government functions, there are in the Porto District Archives the Notices Published by the General Administration of the Porto District since January 1, 1838, from which we glean the following:

  • Taking an Oath to the Political Constitution of the Monarchy.

  • Collection of revenue from transit fees charged on the Ponte de Barras on the Douro River.

  • Collection of Real-d'Água Tax Income.

  • Construction of a new boat to serve as the Foot of the Bridge over the Douro River

  • Obligation of Commanders, Officers and Knights of the orders of this Kingdom to accompany the Solemn Procession of the Corpus Christi.

  • Draw of individuals selected for Army Recruitment.

  • Inspection of the Equipment Registrations of Portuguese Merchant Ships.

  • Trade in salted fish in ports in Greece and Italy.

As we said, Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz was also President of the General Board of the District of Porto, a position he performed competently. The District General Boards were created by the Decree of 18 July 1835, which was responsible for assisting the Civil Governors, following the presentation in the Cortes of 1834 of a project authored by the parliamentary opposition headed by Passos Manuel. In his capacity as President of the General Board of the District of Porto, he signed the Board's consultations addressed to Queen D. Maria II, regarding the years 1853, 1854, 1855, 1857 and 1859.

Given his qualities, he was quickly catapulted from the local to the national political level. Elected Deputy for the 1834-1836 legislature for the Douro provinces, he was again elected for the electoral districts of Braga and Viana (1837-1838), that of Feira (1861-1864) and the single-member constituency of Vila Nova de Gaia (1861- 1864),
In the Chamber of Deputies, he belonged to the Commerce and Arts, Public Administration, Finance and Navy Committees in 1838
He was Secretary of the Chamber of Deputies in 1837.

His parliamentary interventions always focused on regulatory issues and were delivered in his capacity as Secretary
After the September Revolution of 1836, the factions that until then had seemed like one man began to divide, which brought new obstacles to the progress of public affairs. The September movement encountered opposition, and its employees began to be replaced, including the General Administration of the District, which was also entrusted to another individual with the name of Civil Governor.

He was appointed Judge of the 2nd Court of the Chamber of Porto, on August 20, 1839.
The Vila-Novenses and all the people of the municipality of Gaia, who knew in depth the merit of Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz, immediately elected him President of their Municipal Council (1852-1853).
He performed this role in such a way that he was successively elected to the following Councils: 1854 and 1855 (President), 1858 and 1859 (President) and 1860-1861 (President).
He was also Substitute Administrator of the Municipality of Gaia and Justice of the Peace of the parish of Santa Marinha de Vila Nova de Gaia.

In consideration of the public services provided by Doctor Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz to the community, namely Vila Nova de Gaia, the respective Chamber, in public recognition, gave one of its main arteries the name Conselheiro Vellozo da Cruz.
Regarding his merits, Manuel Rodrigues dos Santos wrote:

The Royal Munificence has not been very expressive towards this worthy Patriot regarding the importance of his relevant services; but it is very much in harmony with his modesty, and disinterestedness. The conde-coracoens, which he possesses, and which are the distinctive of merit, represent in him all the property of his significance; however, a Letter from the Council, and a Commenda from Christo, are not a worthy reward for the magnitude of his sufferings, and his services: bene merentibus proemia tribui oportet. But in the love of his Patricians he finds the greatest reward; because they pay him all the respect he deserves for the great things that this distinguished Villa-Novense has shown his country.

Member of the Sociedade Agrícola do Porto, he was part of the Agricultural Statistics Committee, as Vice-President of the Committee for the Exhibition.

He was a benefactor of the Destitute Children's Seminary


The social prestige achieved by Councilor Vellozo da Cruz and the Vellozo da Cruz family is well demonstrated by the following news published in the press at the time:

S.M: and AA's stay report. in this town.
Day 23.
It was already dark when S.M. retired to the Palace.
They had the honor of being invited to dinner with S.M. and AA., in addition to the ministers and people from the El-King's service, the Baroniness of Nevogilde and her children, the civil governor of Porto, the lieutenant general, Baron of Várzea do Douro , counselors Assis, Velloso da Cruz, João Baptista Ribeiro and Anthero Albano, colonel of Regiment 18, deputies Faria Guimarães and Affonso Botelho and Messrs. Álvaro Ferreira Girão, António Bernardo Ferreira, doctor José Fructuoso Ayres de Gouvêa, José de Parada and Silva Leitão and several garrison officers..."

Ball at the Club - There is no need to repeat the luxury and ostentation that was seen in the Club's rooms yesterday, as it is easy to evaluate from the description we made yesterday.
Their majesties and highnesses entered there at around 10:30 pm, being received by the management and several gentlemen.
After going up, they rested for some time, after which the dance began. [...]
In the fourth square dance, the king danced with his lady. D. Adelaide Villar; having the queen vis-a-vis with the lord: Carlos Goubien; o snr: Dom Augusto danced with one of the suras. Velloso, and had Mr. civil governor of Braga, with Ms. Joaquina Velloso.

The following children were born from the marriage between Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz and D. Ermelinda Henriqueta:

Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz who was born in the parish of Santa Marinha, Vila Nova de Gaia, on August 3, 1839 and died unmarried in the parish of São João da Foz do Douro, Porto, on October 9, 1866.
D. Ermelinda Vellozo da Cruz who was born on May 13, 1840 and died on July 25, 1928, married to Adriano Pereira Lcitão de Carvalho, Nobleman-Knight of the Royal House (Alvará dated 6.5.1862), Bachelor's degree in Law from University of Coimbra, lord of Casa de Santa Cruz, in Lamego, representative of Casa Grande, in Poiares, lord of Casa e Ouinta do Paiço, in the parish of Alvarelhos, Santo Tirso, and Casa dos Maias, in Foz do Douro, Porto .
From this couple come the Sampayo Pimentel Pereira Leitão and its branches
(Azevedo Graça, Abreu Viegas and Tenreiro da Silva) and Costa Lima.

António Vellozo da Cruz, was born in Vila Nova de Gaia on October 7, 1841 and died in Casa da Caneira on April 4, 1906. He married in the Church of São Nicolau, Porto, on November 16, 1868, with D. Teresa of Jesus Gomes de Oliveira, daughter of Francisco Gomes de Oliveira and his wife D. Andresa Cândida Pereira da Silva Lopo, 1st Viscountess of Moser, by her second marriage. He was Deputy of the Nation, for Porto, Attorney at the General Council of the District of Porto, President of the Commercial Association of Porto, Member of the Antiphyloxeric Commission of the Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, Moço-Fidalgo of Casa Real (Alvará of 3.2.1866), of His Majesty's Council (Alvará of 25.6.1900), Commander of the Military Order of Christ (Alvará of 8.11.1884), lord of Casa and Quinta da Fonte Santa, in Vila Nova de Gaia, and of Casa and Quinta da Caneira, in Murtosa, Estarreja. From this couple descend the Vellozo da Cruz Van Zeller.

Dona Sofia Vellozo da Cruz, was born in the parish of Santa Marinha, Vila Nova de Gaia, on November 9, 1842 and died in the parish of Cedofeita, Porto, on December 1, 1918. She married Teodoro de Figueiredo Malheiro, graduated in Law from the University of Coimbra, Son of Manuel Antônio Malheiro, Knight of the Order of Christ and Our Lady of Vila Viçosa, and his wife D. Maria Isabel Figueiredo (sister of the 1st Viscount of Figueiredo). S.g.
Dona Maria Vellozo da Cruz, was born in the parish of Santa Marinha, Vila Nova de Gaia, on March 18, 1844, and died unmarried on March 19, 1891.

D. Maria Joaquina Vellozo da Cruz, was born in the parish of Santa Marinha, Vila Nova de Gaia, on May 27, 1850, and died on May 13, 1922, in Porto. She married Germano Pedrosa de Figueiredo, nephew of the Viscount of Figueiredo. This couple had two children, Álvaro Vellozo de Figueiredo, representative of the title of Viscount of Figueiredo, and Dona Maria Helena Vellozo de Figueiredo, who had no descendants


As we said, Councilor Joaquim Vellozo da Cruz died on February 10, 1887.
The newspaper O Primeiro de Janeiro announced his death as follows:

Having passed away yesterday, Mr. Counselor Joaquim Velloso da Cruz and having to make his burial rites today at Hail Marys in the Congregados church, the undersigned, son, son-in-law, and brother of the deceased, ask their friends for the favor of attending that religious act.
Porto, February 1st, 1887.
They apologize for greetings.
António Velloso da Cruz.
Adriano Pereira Leitão.
José Velloso da Cruz.

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